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Confetti fields

“Confetti fields” by Adele Riley

Original acrylic on canvas

21″ x 32″


Brands:: Adele Riley
Adele Riley is a British contemporary land and seascape artist working primarily in acrylic and acrylic inks. Her artistic process usually begins with a loose idea of what she wants to create. She strives to capture the emotional content of the subject, letting the inks create a type of chaos by doing what they naturally want to do. 'This is an exciting part of the process,' says Adele, 'As it always reveals something magical, letting me know what I should do or how I should react next.'
Adele is fascinated by light and colour, believing people connect to colour just as much as to the subject matter. People are drawn to different energies in different colours, and she loves to play with this theory in her work.
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